This is the first randomized phase 3 study to evaluate autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with this rare and aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
This major new initiative is a unique opportunity for researchers and patients to help build an important real-world data registry of patients with EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer
The changes aim to alleviate scheduling difficulties during the randomization step, and they introduce the new tumor test for this phase 2 trial testing radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy
This innovative real-world data study is developing an infrastructure to conduct a study comparing outcomes in patients with EGFR-mutated NSCLC receiving osimertinib with or without chemotherapy and not enrolled in a clinical trial
This phase 3 study is comparing BRAF-targeted therapy with dabrafenib-trametinib to TKI therapy with cabozantinib in patients with disease progression following standard treatments
The changes broaden eligibility for patients and permit more therapeutic options once enrolled in this randomized phase 3 trial, which explores the addition of radiotherapy to the usual treatment (chemotherapy) in people with esophagus and stomach cancer with limited spread
This phase 2 imaging biomarker trial is evaluating whether novel biomarkers can accurately identify which patients will have better vs. worse survival outcomes early in their disease course