Meet the 2021 Young Investigator Symposium Presenters
October 19, 2021
From the Co-Chairs, October 2021
October 19, 2021Virtual Fall 2021 Group Meeting: Tips and Highlights

This fall marks our third fully virtual ECOG-ACRIN Group Meeting. Though we had hoped to meet in person, the pandemic has kept us on our toes—and in front of our screens. So, while we persevere through virtual conferences a little longer, check out these tips for making the most of virtual meetings. Then, read on below for several important reminders regarding the Virtual Fall 2021 Group Meeting.
There Is Still Time to Register
It is not too late to join us online for the Virtual Fall 2021 Group Meeting from Wednesday, October 20 - Friday, October 22. First, view the schedule on the Group Meeting website, and then register for the sessions that spark your interest. When you reach the confirmation page, please be sure to add each session to your calendar using the ‘Add Sessions to Calendar’ button. Sessions are open to staff from ECOG-ACRIN member institutions, ECOG-ACRIN advocates, NCI/NIH employees, and invited guests only.
Already registered, but want to add or remove sessions? Simply modify your registration.
- Select the "Already registered?" link below the "Register Now" button on the homepage of the Group Meeting website
- Enter your email address and confirmation number, and you will be taken to the registration summary page
- Scroll to the bottom and select the "Modify Registration" button
- Proceed through the process until you reach the sessions page
- Add/remove any sessions you would like, then proceed to the registration summary page
- Click the "Submit" button
Featured Sessions
Group leaders encourage all attendees to register for the following sessions (all shown in Eastern Time):
Wednesday, October 20
- NCI-MATCH EAY131 and ComboMATCH Update and Education Session | 9:30 - 10:30 AM
- General Session | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
- TMIST Update and Education Session | 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Friday, October 22
- Health Equity Committee Plenary Session | 9:00 - 11:00 AM
- Young Investigators Symposium | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Attendee Hub
New this meeting, participants may access sessions through the Attendee Hub, a website that delivers event content and provides interactive opportunities for attendees. Attendee Hub is available via any web browser or mobile device. Within the Hub, attendees can browse sessions, view agendas, and join sessions when the time comes. We will also place session recordings in the Hub for on-demand viewing for a limited time.
To access the Attendee Hub on your laptop/desktop, log in with your first name, last name, and the email address you used to register for the meeting.
Training and Education
We are pleased to offer several pre-recorded educational presentations, geared toward clinical research staff, to view on demand. We will post these sessions to the ‘On Demand’ section of Attendee Hub by Tuesday, October 19. They will also be available after the meeting via the Clinical and Administrative Resources section of the ECOG-ACRIN website. The content will be accessible to anyone with member login credentials, regardless of meeting attendance.
Save the Date: Spring 2022 Group Meeting
Though the Spring 2022 Group Meeting format is still to be determined, the dates are set. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 4 - Friday, May 6. If it is possible to host some or all attendees in person, the meeting will take place at the Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile in Chicago. The meeting planners will be in touch via email once Group leaders assess the pandemic/public health situation and plan accordingly.